The Metazoa Snapshot Org Management product can move connected sets of data between Salesforce Orgs. Unlike Data Loader, Snapshot keeps all relationships between Objects intact. Administrators can migrate data between Salesforce Orgs for testing, development, or backup purposes. Snapshot also supports CSV file import to bring in datasets from external systems such as Oracle or SAP.
Snapshot provides powerful tools for migrating connected sets of data between Salesforce Orgs. This capability is useful for backing up data, refreshing Sandboxes, merging Orgs, and populating Orgs with test data for application development. The Bulk API is used for all transactions to ensure that very large Datasets can be moved efficiently. We have moved hundreds of thousands of records while testing the data migration tools in Snapshot.
When an administrator migrates data between Salesforce Orgs, all of the internal relationships are preserved. External references in the Dataset are also connected to matching objects on the destination. Snapshot also supports CSV file import to bring in datasets from external systems and for creating datasets with a spreadsheet editor. Snapshot can scramble selected fields to maintain data privacy and remap field names for any destination Org.
When you select the Deployment Arrow between any two connected Snapshots, the Options Menu will display various commands. The second set of options will be to Build, Import, and Migrate Datasets. The option to Build a Dataset will use the source Salesforce org to download multiple records in the form of XML files to your local machine. The option to Import a Dataset will use CSV or XML files from any source to create a new Dataset as well. Lastly, the option to Migrate a Dataset will insert and update records from the selected Dataset into the destination Salesforce Org. Watch the short movie below to learn more about the relational data migration capabilities in Snapshot.
Here are some helpful links with more information about data migration:
Snapshot provides powerful tools for Salesforce Administrators that help manage the change and release process, visualize org complexity, improve security and compliance, and lower the total cost of Org ownership. Visit the AppExchange to start a 14 day free trial or click the button below to schedule a demo.
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