Unused Fields

Salesforce Orgs can contain unused fields and picklist values. The Metazoa Snapshot Org Management product has an Unused Fields and Picklists Report that allows a Salesforce administrator to find fields and picklists that are not in active use. Snapshot also has deployment tools that an Administrator can use to remove unused fields from Salesforce during the next release cycle.

Remove Unused Fields and Picklists
from Salesforce

Salesforce Orgs can become more and more complex over time. Complexity can result in slow performance, reduced agility, and security problems. A major source of complexity is forgotten assets that are no longer in use. Old projects must be cleaned up to make room for new initiatives, or any Salesforce org can become unhealthy over time.

Our Metazoa Snapshot product has a report that can discover unused fields and picklists in any Salesforce Org. The Unused Fields and Picklists report will show the total number of fields, the number of fields that have no data, the number of fields that have the default value, and the number of fields that have distinct values. This report is used by Salesforce administrators to find fields that can be safely deleted from the Org during the next release cycle.

For example, the Account Name will be highly distinct. Almost every Account will have a unique name. But the Account Postal Code will have fewer distinct values. Therefore, if you find fields that are not very distinct, the chances are that they are not being utilized, or perhaps they have many empty or default values. The Unused Fields and Picklists report will also show you when a field was last created or modified. This can help you decide when a field or picklist value is not being used and can be safely deleted. The short movie below shows how the Snapshot Unused Fields and Picklists report works, and also shows how to delete fields in the metadata deployment interface.

Removing Unused Fields and Picklist Values with Snapshot

Snapshot is a tool that facilitates the identification and removal of unused fields and picklist values from Salesforce accounts. This document outlines the steps involved in the process.

Setting Up Snapshot

  1. Set Up Visual Deployment Pipeline: To begin, set up your visual deployment pipeline within Snapshot. This involves configuring the Snapshot tool to access your Salesforce account.

Field Usage Report

  1. Access Field Usage Report: Right-click on any item within the Snapshot interface to bring up the Field Usage Report.
  2. Select Object and Records:
    • In the Field Usage Report, you will see a list of objects on the left side.
    • Select an object whose fields you wish to analyze.
    • Choose the type of records you want to analyze: records by name, records with a filter, or all records.
  3. Preview the Report:
    • Go to the ‘Preview Report’ tab.
    • This report is compatible with Salesforce organizations of any size and typically generates in a few minutes.
    • The report displays all the fields of the selected object on the left side.
    • For each field, it shows the total number of values, the number of default empty values, and the number of distinct values.
    • For example, if a field has a high percentage of distinct values, it is likely being used. Conversely, fields with very few distinct values might be underused or have redundant data.
  4. Analyze Field Details:
    • In the details section, the report provides information on when a field was created and when it was last modified. This information can be valuable in deciding what action to take regarding potentially unused fields.
    • Clicking on any field row will display the most and least popular values on the right side.
  5. Generate a Comprehensive Report:
    • After selecting the objects of interest, click on the ‘Display Report’ tab.
    • Snapshot will then generate a comprehensive report of all selected objects.
    • This report can be exported and shared with team members in CSV, PDF, or HTML formats.

Picklist Usage Report

  1. Access Picklist Usage Report: This report is similar to the Field Usage Report but focuses on picklist values. It can be accessed within the Snapshot interface.
  2. Analyze Picklist Values:
    • Within the selected object, you can see which picklist values are the most and least used.
    • You can also filter this data by record type or choose to view the data without record types.
  3. Export the Report: Similar to the Field Usage Report, the Picklist Usage Report can also be exported in CSV, PDF, or HTML formats.

Deleting Unused Assets

  1. Decide on the Course of Action: Once you have identified unused fields and picklist values, you need to decide what to do with them.
  2. Delete Assets:
    • Go to the deployment interface within Snapshot.
    • Choose the assets that you want to delete.
    • You can also go into individual fields and delete them.
    • Confirm and execute the deletion to remove the assets from your Salesforce organization.
By following these steps, you can efficiently identify and remove unused fields and picklists from your Salesforce account using Snapshot.

Learn More!

Snapshot provides powerful tools for Salesforce Administrators that help manage the change and release process, visualize org complexity, improve security and compliance, and lower the total cost of Org ownership. Visit the AppExchange to start a 14 day free trial or click the button below to schedule a demo.

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